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Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities Home

Food Bank

Volunteers Needed!

About this Program

As a staple program in the community, the SCHC Food Bank is one of the busiest programs of its kind in Scarborough. Individuals and families who are experiencing food insecurity can access food support from our program on a weekly basis. Individuals can expect to receive 1-2 days of food and can select items based on their preference and availability. Meal programs run on an episodic basis. Seasonal clothing is also provided when available.

Monetary and food donations are needed. Contact the Social Support Coordinator at 416-847-4142 for food or go to

Staff and volunteers can also provide information and referrals to numerous services and resources within Scarborough, including many of our internal programs. Individuals can also access hot meals and seasonal services such as our holiday support program and annual tax clinic.

During their initial visit, individuals can expect to talk with a staff member or volunteer about their household members, sources of income, and living expenses. You are not required to provide documentation during your first visit to the food bank program, but a form of ID is encouraged to register. You will receive food the same day you register.

This is a walk-in program and does not require an appointment.

Contact Us

Program Information:


Program Information Line:




Market times are as follows:

The pre-Approved Mobility Program is Wednesday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.

Take-out meals are provided on Tuesdays from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm.

From: To: Please Arrive By:
Wednesday12:30 PM3:30 PM3:15 PM
Thursday2:00 PM4:30 PM4:15 PM
Friday10:30 AM1:00 PM12:45 PM


Resources HUB meal program