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Student Placements & Research Opportunities

Student Placements

  • Looking for a student placement?  Please see our prospective student placements in our different program areas here. ​
  • Please note this list is updated every semester (Winter, Summer, Spring, Summer)
  • If you are interested in any of these opportunities please fill out our Student Placement Expression of Interest Form: Student Placement Expression of Interest (
Program AreaSemester Month StartSemester End MonthStudent Type
Foodbank/Furniture Bank9/1/20244/1/2025Any Social Sector Students
Palliative/Friendly Visiting9/1/20244/1/2025Administrative/Social Work Student
Bereavement 9/1/20244/1/2025Administrative/Social work Student
Palliative 9/1/20244/1/2025Administrative/Social Work Student
Comms/Fund Development9/1/202412/24/2024Marketing/Event Planning Intern
ADC9/1/202412/24/2024PSW students 
ADC 9/1/202412/24/2024Recreational students 
Assisted Living 9/1/202412/24/2024PSWS 
Seniors Support/ALC9/1/202412/24/2024Admin/Rec Student 
CHC6/1/20246/26/2024MD Resident 
CHC9/1/202412/24/2024SW student 
CHC9/1/202412/24/2024Chiropodist Student
CHC 1/24/20245/24/2024Chiropodist Student
CHC 9/1/202412/24/2024MS Student
CHC24-Jan5/24/2024MS student
CWE (Child/Youth)9/1/20245/24/2024Child/Youth Care/Social Worker/Social Service Worker
DEP9/1/202430/4/2025Admin/Medical Secretary Student 
IPPC9/1/202430/4/2025Harm Reduction
EarlyON9/1/202430/4/2026Early Childhood Educator

Research Opportunities

  • Looking for a research opportunity with us? We would love to collaborate with you!  We ground ourselves in the hallmarks of Community Based Research (Participatory – Community-Minded – Action Oriented). Please see our current research topics/questions co-designed with our communities below.
  • Please note we are open to iterations of these research topics and other opportunities that align with our research mission, “Healthier People, Healthier Communities“​
  • Please contact us for more information at
The purpose of this research isto investigatean app/technological application for queer south asian youthin order toreduce barriers to accessing mental health care supports
The purpose of this research isto design and developa mentorship program for foreign trained cliniciansin order tocreate increased health human resource potential for Scarborough increasing access to care for SCHC priority populations
The purpose of this research isto identify Hyper-local rates of attachment to Primary Care Providers stratifying by socio-demo factors of those that are attached vs notin order toBetter understand barriers to attachment and tailor connection pathways to promote equitable access to primary care services
The purpose of this research isto understand the perceived health status and connection to SCHC programs of people in high priority populations in order toto be better able to meet Scarborough residents where they are and understand how they see their health. 
The purpose of this research isto createprogram based integrated scorecards that measure quality, performance and client experiencein order toimprove our evidence-collection for decision-making, accountability and funding opportunities
The purpose of this research isunderstand individual motivation for engaging in programs or practices that are not percieved as essential or critical in the short-termin order toimprove attachment to services and delivery of care for at-risk populations in Scarborough
The purpose of this research isto identify ways in which to integrate virtual reality training in ABI And ADC programsin order toincrease empathetic understanding in communication with clients, caregivers and staff to help improve the quality of their lives
The purpose of this research isto identify through mapping the gaps in HIV care disparities in Scarboroughin order topursue with Scarborough community residents with lived experience how address and reduce those gaps
The purpose of this research isto investigate the efficacyof free, accessible wellness coaching of PGCert. coaches from Humber Collegein order toensure organizational health is optimal at the individual level for a cohort of staff that seek proactive personalized support
The purpose of this research isto integrate and transformthe information of our clients at SCHCin order tounleash new insights on the efficacy of service delivery models upstream and deepen our meaningful impact on our clients’ health outcomes
The purpose of this research isto createa breakthrough model of building integrated carein order totransform community health service delivery models across SCHC and optimize the client experience through needs-based service delivery rather than program specific silo’ed delivery