Caregiver Wellness Tamil
About this Program
Caregiving takes many forms. Many of us help older, sick, adult family members or friends with disability. We know we are helping, but many of us don’t attach ourselves to the title of ‘caregiver.’ Yet, the role of the caregiver can often strain one’s health and well-being on many levels, including physical, mental, social, and financial. If you are unsure of whether you are a caregiver, here are a few examples of the many different responsibilities a caregiver can assume:
- Providing companionship
- Making calls as a security check
- Making medical appointments or doing reminders
- Escorting to programs or services (i.e. wellness groups, medical appointments)
- Talking to the healthcare team or providing support in decision-making
- Administering medications or doing reminders
If you are a Tamil-speaking friend or family member caring for a loved one, we offer the following programs virtually and in-person to support your well-being. To register and for the dates and times of each program, please view our program schedule on the event calendar.
For more information on the programs below, please see the flyers for these programs here.
Health & Wellness Program:
Our programs are developed from a holistic health approach to life, considering multidimensional aspects of wellness. Programs target the caregiver’s physical, mental, emotional, social, and intellectual aspects of health. Some examples of what we offer are health education, art therapy, legal literacy, and computer literacy.
Breathwork, Stretches & Mindfulness:
Keep your mind and body healthy by participating in our relaxation workshop focusing on breathwork, stretches, and mindfulness; this workshop is offered online and in person and is led by a certified yoga instructor
Support Group:
A safe place to meet and connect with other caregivers, learn coping strategies, resources, and education, and receive formal and informal support
Contact Us
Dharshana Jayapathy