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May 27, 2024

Written by the SCHC Health Promotion team

What is Health Promotion?  

Health promotion, by definition, is the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health (World Health Organization, 1986). Health promotion is often seen as health education, but it’s so much more! Health promotion promotes health and prevents disease, disability and premature death through evidence-informed interventions. Health promotion aims to positively influence the health outcomes of individuals and communities as well as the living and working conditions that influence their health. Therefore, health promotion work can look like systemic strategies that shape the environments people live and work in and the available resources. It can also look like programs that support shifts in individuals’ knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviours. Its guiding principles of holistic care, person-centred and community-centred processes, and equity-driven outcomes remain consistent across all health promotion activities. 

What does Health Promotion look like at SCHC?  

The Health Promotion team comprises 4 Health Promotion Specialists and 2 Community Ambassadors with a unique knowledge base and breadth of expertise. The team’s primary objective is to develop and deliver programs and interventions for the community that address current health challenges identified during community engagement. The team also monitors the effectiveness and impact of programs/interventions, using evaluation results to modify interventions to serve the community better. We recognize the community as significant knowledge holders, especially when envisioning ‘good health’ and working with the community and SCHC staff to achieve this goal through SCHC’s services, programs, and projects.   

Our work falls under three pillars: consultation, collaboration, and program delivery. Consultation: We support other teams by bringing an evidence-informed lens to their work (e.g., data support and best practices). 

Collaboration: We work with other teams to plan, implement, and facilitate programs. Program delivery: We develop new programs for the community that address gaps in needed services. One such program is HealthyHER HaBITS, which provides the community and SCHC clients with a program exclusively for women! This women’s health and well-being program is a comprehensive journey designed to empower women to prioritize their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.   

HealthyHER HaBITS launched in the fall of 2023 and had 60 participants register! Women of all ages and backgrounds participated in online weekly sessions over 18 weeks. The program covered physical, mental, and preventative health topics such as functional exercises, nutrition, stress-management techniques, self–care, and disease prevention. It was facilitated by subject matter experts within SCHC. Participants reported being “grateful” for the program and expressed that the workshops were “good, educational, and very informative,” with 100% reporting satisfaction with the program! They gained knowledge and practically engaged in exercises and techniques during sessions. A special thanks to the CHC (Community Health Centre), IPPC (Interprofessional Primary Care Team), and HPCS (High Priority Community Strategy) staff for facilitating interactive and impactful sessions!  

See full data of impact here:

Stay tuned for future HealthyHER HaBITS seasons and encourage women you know to join this program. Together, let’s ignite the strength of the community by fostering a community where every woman feels empowered to prioritize her health! 

For additional information or inquiries, contact us at