A Year later, still coping with COVID-19
May 9, 2022
Written by Maria Borgai (MSW RSW), Social Worker – Diabetes Program

Covid-19 has plagued us for over a year now, taking a toll on our physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing.
It has meant adapting to huge changes in our lifestyle and everything that we knew to be normal – such as going to work, shopping, meeting friends and family, going on trips, visiting the gym, going to places of worship, celebrating joyous occasions, and even supporting family and friends in grief. Freedom of movement is now restricted compounded by a fear of getting ill.
Coping with all of these changes in such a short time has created feelings of anxiety, stress and fear. Worries abound – will life ever being the same again?
In the face of these challenges, here are some thoughts on how can we cope:
- Maintain a positive attitude – a positive attitude will help us embrace change, improve resilience and find creative solutions to challenges.
- Practice Self Care – self-care is important to stay grounded despite changes. Self-care includes regular exercise in a safe environment, healthy eating and getting enough sleep. Find ways to stay grounded by being mindful in all you do. Incorporate meditation and relaxation techniques into your daily routine. Practicing gratitude, spirituality and faith will help bring hope and strength in these stressful times.
- Stay socially connected – maintain social connections with friends and family over the phone or through technology. Don’t be afraid to ask for help since most people would be happy to help. Also, reach out to elderly and vulnerable people in your life who don’t have access to technology but might need your support.
- Stay mentally active – challenge yourself to try something new. Learn a new skill, embrace technology, find a new job or start your own small business. There are a number of online courses you can take to learn something new.
- Reach out for help – during the pandemic, there has been an outpouring of generosity and an abundance of resources in the community which can be leveraged to help us cope. E.g. income supports, food security resources, employment and social supports and mental health supports. For employed persons, your workplace EAP benefits, or a knowledgeable co-worker, are a good resource for support.
If you need help finding and navigating the supports, reach out to a community support worker. Don’t be afraid to seek help if you need it. It will help you get back on your feet. Browse through our program page to find more services and support to assist you.
Also, make sure to check out our Wellness Wednesday posts for tips on self-care and staying healthy during these times.